Springboard sits at the centre of an always expanding and evolving vibrant community.

Although our focus is predominately on the young people and helping them to succeed, we know that their success depends on the depth of connections that we are able to help them make with their families and others in the community. Springboard’s wider community network is made up of incredible volunteers, donors, family members and other community partners, all who play an incredibly vital role in strengthening Springboards community connections and offer a foundation support for our staff,  as well as our young people. Here are some of their stories.

Tiffany’s Story

“We as a family are no longer isolated, Springboard is my learning hub, my social connection.

There is nothing else like this in the area. People ask if I work there, I don’t! The 4U Mentoring program has helped my daughter by having a positive role model, someone giving her the quality time that I at this time …can’t give her. I have seen her grow in confidence; she made a speech for house captain and got the role”.

That was due to her mentor walking alongside her, coaching her. The mentor has become a part of our family. Because of the whole thought process, something for her to look forward to, having quality time with someone else.

Alison’s Story

“I was making the wrong decisions and putting myself in bad situations without thinking about the future consequences.

I was relying on alcohol and drugs to keep myself happy. I was going down a bad path and surrounding myself with negative influences. I have learnt to value myself and think about my future with every choice I make. I have also learnt to be less reliant on substances to keep myself happy.

I am now surrounding myself (with people) who treat me the way I deserve to be treated and are in the same mind frame. It has shown me that I am worth (more) than being treated badly and that every decision I make is important because my choices reflect my future”.

Natalie and Levi’s Story

“When Levi was 15 years old, he found out news about his dad. He went off the rails, hit drugs and alcohol, left school, felt unwanted and the relationship between him and me deteriorated big time.

 That’s when Springboard came along, accepted and cared for Levi, as he was. He came on the Vault programme and this gave him a sense of purpose, there were people believing in him, and gave him another chance at life. I honestly believe that Levi would have either ended up dead or in jail.

Levi became so much happier again, we started talking again. He would share with me about everything that was happening, open and honest.

Springboard has saved my son, you guys were there for him even after hours. I can’t thank you enough”.


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